Event Press Release

Experts share the State of the Global economy in this Opal Group virtual Forum


The Soho Loft Media Group supports the Family Office Winter Forum Virtual 2021 to be keynoted by George Souri of LQD Business Finance and The Laughren Group CEO, Brandon Laughren

Family offices, fund managers, service providers, and foundations will convene on March 23-24, 2021 for the Family Office Winter Forum Virtual 2021 webinar organized by Opal Group.

David Drake, Chairman and Founder of LDJ Capital and The Soho Loft Media Group, says, "COVID-19 has disrupted almost all industries and forced everyone to put on their thinking hats to ride out this pandemic storm. This event will not only address the status of family offices and their investments but will also highlight the industry's financial future."

Other speakers in the online forum include:

Brian DeLucia, Managing Partner, Arrivato LLC (SFO)
Charlie Dombek, CPA, President and Chief Client Officer, Keycity Capital
Heeten Doshi, Managing Partner, Doshi Capital Management
Ian Selig, Manager Investor Relations, Safehold
Jack Moore, Managing Partner, Harpswell Capital Advisors, LLC
James Leach, President, Leach Family Holdings (SFO), Rhode Island PBS Foundation
Prabhat Pani, Senior Advisor - Partnerships and Technology, Tata Trusts
Skip Coomber, III, President, Coomber Family Estates (SFO) / Dragon Trust Family Office (SFO)

The two-day virtual forum will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions. Some of the topics for discussion include finding higher returns through business loan investing opportunities, generating alpha with venture capital, investing in cryptocurrency and building on the blockchain, sourcing opportunities and due diligence in today's market, state of the global economy and international affairs, and capturing opportunities in alternative credit and debt market amid the COVID -19 fallout.

The Diamond sponsors for this event are eVestment, Safehold Inc., and LQD Business Finance. Doshi Capital Management and multiply are the platinum sponsors. The gold sponsors are Plotinus Asset Management, Radius Capital Partners, and Setanta Asset Management Limited. Some of the media partners include Alliance magazine, Family Office Networks, Impact Wealth Magazine, Scotsman Guide, SmartMoneyMatch, Industry Tech Insights, GlobalRisk Community, and The Soho Loft Media Group.

About THE SOHO LOFT Media Group

The Soho Loft Media Group is a global financial media company with 3 divisions:

TIMES IMPACT PUBLICATIONS produces content on finance, investing, entrepreneurship published and syndicated in 100+ leading online publications and growing.

THE SOHO LOFT CONFERENCES organizes and sponsors up to 200+ investor-focused global summits, talks, and events annually with over 1,500 events since 2011.

VICTORIA GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS specializes in investor relations, public relations, branding, and social media marketing.

The Soho Loft Media Group is your global media partner for your investment and business strategies.

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